Pneumobil study trip
Based on the results of the IX. International Aventics Pneumobil competition, the Műszakik Kanóc Team (Dániel Ihány, Alpár Dienes, Máté Horváth, István Szabados, supporting professor: Zsolt Farkas), the PuffAIR team from Debrecen and the Jok-Air team from Kecsekmét won a study trip to Austria by favour of the Aventics Hungária Kft.
During the study trip, we visited the ARS Electronica centre and museum in Linz, the factory of CNH Industrial Österreich GmbH in St. Valentin, where the Steyr and the Case IH tractors are manufactured, the BMW Motoren GmbH factory in Steyr and the Saint Benedek Abbey in Melk.